Family Fiesta

My favorite thing about this time of year is getting together with family. I think that’s why Thanksgiving is actually my favorite holiday, because it’s simply about being grateful for what you have, rather than the pressure of things like gifts. However, I will say there is something magical about Christmas, especially with a little one!


My brother’s sweet girlfriend has worked so hard throughout her college career, and just found out she was accepted into UofL’s med school! So obviously that was the only excuse I needed to get my family together to celebrate! And Salsaritas, with their holiday catering, helped me get everything together quickly and easily for it! With Parker hanging on my leg every every 5 minutes, not having to cook was the ideal situation :)


Anytime queso and cookie cake are at the same party you know it’s going to be a good time!


Ironically found out that she is allergic to avocado…however, she appreciates a good pun LOL Also Parker is clearly living his best life!


UGHHH!!!! All the heart eyed emojis! Seriously the best little buddy. Also he is a BIG fan of chips and queso haha


So proud of her! Can’t wait to see the great things she’s going to do!


ANNND this was about as close to a group photo as we got. Oh well, that’s when you know it was a good time!


Parker is literally obsessed with his Pops and uncle JD. Kept dragging them around the house to play with him! Oh, and taking ornaments off the tree. He’s gotten better. Still not good.


Thank you Salsaritas for making our family time simple, enjoyable, and most importantly, delicious! I love working with companies who give back and care about their team. Go check out my instagram feed at @JessicaRayome for a chance to win a Fiesta Pack for your next get together!