Peel & Stick Floor Tiles


I have been in a bit of a funk lately. Lots going on and my mind is just pulled in every direction. So ready for the spring and hopefully the healthiness that will follow in our household. Aaron and I met for lunch yesterday, and part of my self care was a trip to Hobby Lobby. I found zero of the items I was looking for, but look what I found instead!!!

This whole space only took two boxes, and they were marked down to $12 each! So that means it only cost $24 to redo these floors. My previous floors were a plain, boring, roll out sheet of vinyl. Which actually made this even easier to put over top of it.


I actually was going to use an exacto blade to cut the tricky pieces, but honestly my heavy duty kitchen scissors worked better. I measured really carefully and used a level to make sure my cuts were lined up.


Due to the shape of this room, there was very little that I had to cut. Most of it was able to be matched right up. My biggest suggestion is to clean your floors SO WELL before you start. Especially with all the dog hair in our house, and it being the laundry room, I cleaned them like 3 times before I got started.


This whole thing took me under an hour, even the pieces I had to cut. I will say with as much wallpaper as I have done in the last year, I have gotten pretty quick about working around odd shapes.


Ta da!!!! What a freaking difference!!! Technically the tiles say that you don’t have to do anything to them. That you just let them adhere for a week before using any cleaning products. I am leaning towards sealing over everything with something like a polyurethane, just to make the tiny spaces in between each tile more like on giant piece. That way if anything were to spill at one point, it would be less likely to cause it to peel up. Or those are my thoughts anyway. Going to live with it for a month or so and then decide.

But eeek!!!! I’m telling you, anyone can tackle this one!
